Research Interests
Political Communication | Media Psychology
Mediated Deliberation | Entertainment Experiences | Political Entertainment | Political Participation | Development and Validation of Scales | Artificial Intelligence
Participation in Third-Party Funded Projects
since 2022
Manchot research group II “Decision-making with the help of Artificial Intelligence” – Use Case Politics, Project lead: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Vowe, Prof. Dr. Marc Ziegele, funding: Jürgen Manchot Foundation
2020 – 2022
“Determinants and effects of cooperation in homogeneous and heterogeneous research clusters (DEKiF) [Determinanten und Effekte von Kooperation in homogenen und heterogenen Forschungsverbünden (DEKiF)]”, Project lead at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Vowe, funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
2018 – 2019
“Negativity in political communication and reverse discrimination“, Project lead: Prof. Dr. Melanie Steffens, Dr. Franziska Ehrke, funding: Research unit “Kommunikation – Medien – Politik [Communication – Media – Politics]“, University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, Institute for Communication Psychology and Media Education
“Effekte von ‚cross-cutting exposure‘ [Effects of ‘cross-cutting exposure’]“, Project lead: Dr. Carina Weinmann, funding: Research unit “Kommunikation – Medien – Politik [Communication – Media – Politics]“, University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, Institute for Communication Psychology and Media Education
2013 – 2016
“Politische Talkshows zur Unterhaltung [Political Talk Shows and Entertainment]“, Project lead: Prof. Dr. Peter Vorderer, funding: German Research Foundation (DFG), University of Mannheim, Institute for Media and Communication Studies
“Evaluation der Wirksamkeit von Online-Erklärfilmen [Evaluating the Effectiveness of Online Tutorials]“, Project lead: Prof. Dr. Peter Vorderer, Dr. Frank M. Schneider, funding: explain it GmbH, Munich, University of Mannheim, Institute for Media and Communication Studies
“Einfluss der Gestaltung von Stimmzetteln auf die Wahlentscheidung [Effect of the Design of Ballot Papers on the Voting Decision]“, Project lead: Prof. Dr. Peter Vorderer, funding: Constitutional Court of the Saarland, University of Mannheim, Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Review Service
Communication Methods and Measures, Communication Monographs, Communication Research, Communication Theory, Human Communication Research, Information, Communication & Society, International Journal of Communication, International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Journal of Communication, Journal of Media Psychology, Mass Communication and Society, Media Psychology, Political Psychology, Political Studies Review, Psychology of Popular Media, The International Journal of Press/Politics
Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Conference of the Media Psychology Devision of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Conference of the Media Reception and Effects Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Conference of the Communication and Politics Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK)
SoSci Panel (open scientific panel)
Profiles on Research Websites
ResearchGate | ORCID | OSF